
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mark Warner Fundraiser for Chuck Caputo: Photos, Report

The following report is from Sully District (Fairfax County) Democratic Committee Chairman Mary Lee Cerillo. Great job as always by my friend Mary Lee!

I attended a fundraiser this afternoon at the home of Dave and Kathy Worek in South Riding. Senator Mark Warner made an appearance and stated how important it is that we elect Creigh Deeds for governor and re-elect Delegate Chuck Caputo as our delegate in the 67th District. It is imperative that we Move Virginia Forward. We have the fifth lowest unemployment rate in the nation, we have a triple A bond rating, and have been voted the Best State in Which to raise a child. Governors Warner and Kaine helped to create this reputation for Virginia while Bob McDonnell in his years in legislature, along with a Republican majority in the General Assembly did whatever they could to block votes that would have benefited our Commonwealth.

I cannot say enough for Delegate Chuck Caputo. He has had a presence in our community for years!!!! Chuck retired from the Defense Department after years of service, he served as the first PTA president of Thomas Jefferson High School (one of the most respected high schools in the nation), and he has served on the Community College Board. He has done all types of volunteer work and has been in our district for thirty plus years. On the other hand, his opponent has been a PTA member and a booster for the Music department and worked for a tech company. It's beyond me where the comparison is. It should be a no brainer!!!!

Transportation has been a problem for years in this area. Delegate Chuck Caputo has worked tirelessly on this issue. He fought for funds to widen Route 50 in Chantilly going west to Loudoun County. He was also instrumental in helping to keep the HOV lanes on Route 66 open for longer hours to alleviate traffic.

In the past four years, Chuck has represented all of his constituents in the 67th District. He has fought hard for us, in spite of being blocked repeatedly by the Republican majority. He is well respected by both Democrats and Republicans and has worked across the aisle. To be honest, I am appalled at the campaign that his opponent's campaign has run. It is beyond dishonest and disgusting!! Hopefully the voters in the 67th District will once again put Chuck Caputo in office to represent us. I can promise you that I will do whatever I can to make that happen!!

P.S. The first photo is of Senator Mark Warner, Springfield District Democratic Committee Chair Ruth Miller and Delegate Chuck Caputo. The second photo is of Warner and Caputo. The third photo is of Shelly Worek (Chuck Caputo's granddaughter) and Mark Warner listening to Delegate Caputo's speech.