
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Letting Creigh's Voice Be Heard

By now, everyone is familiar with the infamous Sheila Johnson video that made headlines yesterday. I'm not going to go too far into that here, I'll leave it up to you to make up you're own mind about her comments. What I will say, however, is that her comments really got me thinking about Creigh Deeds' character.

First, to directly address her comments, Creigh Deeds does have a slight speech impediment. Then again, so did former Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) and that didn't stop him from having a long and, as conservatives would tell you, successful career in public office. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani also has a speech impediment, and that didn't stop him from running for President in 2008. While I don't support what Helms or Giuliani stand for, they do share one thing in common with Creigh Deeds - Fearlessness.

For most of us, the fear of public speaking is rivaled only by the fear of death. Many of us would never subject ourselves to days on end of countless speaking engagements to groups ranging in size from 30-2000 attendees. Yet, the shy Creigh Deeds, speech impediment and all, has the courage to stand before these groups and lay out his positive agenda for Virginia. And he does all of this with people like Sheila Johnson and Bob McDonnell laughing in his face.

The Republicans will continue to mock Creigh as election day draws near. But what they mock, I applaud. Creigh has shown that he has the toughness to win, which he proved to many of us this year by beating a more established candidate in Brian Moran and a better funded candidate, Terry McAuliffe, in the Democratic primary.

I'm supporting Creigh Deeds because he is the candidate that will work for all Virginians as Governor. There is no doubt Creigh will work harder than anyone else to finally bring about the solutions this state needs, be it a comprehensive and responsible transportation plan or real policy initiatives to get Virginians back to work.

UPDATE by Lowell: Jim Moran appears to agree.
Moran said Deeds is being supported by an anti-McDonnell vote but now must give voters a reason to vote for him instead of against the other guy.

"We had a conversation last night," Moran said. "I said: 'All your consultants are going to tell you to go negative, just like they told my brother. And spend all your money on negative because positive ads don't move anything.' ... I said: 'You've got to go with your instinct. You're a genuine guy. People relate to you.' "

"That's how Creigh won the primary and I think that's how he'll win the general, by showing that he's very decent guy," Moran continued. "People know about the thesis -- the people who care about the thesis, they're in Northern Virginia and they read The Post and they know. But there's got to be more. He's got to give people a reason to vote for Creigh."

Moran said Deeds responded that he agreed and that was his instinct as well...
Please follow your instinct Creigh! :)