
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hypocritical Virginia Republicans Strike Again!

On February 13, 2009, the U.S. Congress took an important vote, passing the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" by a vote of 246-183. Do you remember how many Republicans voted for it? Specifically, do you remember how many VIRGINIA Republicans voted for it? That's right: zero and zero. As in nada. Zippo. None.

So now, having voted against the recovery act, which provided "stimulus" funding for projects all over Virginia, you'd think that Republicans would have enough shame not to put out press releases with headlines like this: "Wolf, Herrity, Comstock & Villanueva Blast Kaine Over Roads Spending - Part-Time Governor Puts Virginia Dead Last - 51st Out of 51 in Spending Stimulus Dollars for Transportation." But no, you'd be wrong. Last night, the shameless RPV actually did put out such a statement, with howlers like the following:

*"On Monday, Congressman Frank Wolf (10th District), Fairfax County Supervisor Pat Herrity, candidate for the House of Delegates Barbara Comstock (34th District) and Virginia Beach City Councilman Ron Villanueva, candidate for the House of Delegates (21st District), blasted Kaine's slow-footedness in accessing funds already available to the Commonwealth." - RPV (which opposed the economic recovery funding)

*"We could use that money, definitely...We're in a critical situation. The economic growth and the opportunities here in Northern Virginia depend on transportation. There are a lot of things that the money could be used for so that we're ready to come out strong when we come out of this recession...It's very important when you look at the unemployment rate." - Frank Wolf (who voted against this very funding he now says is "critical!")

*"...when you have the governor say ‘we're comfortable' with our rate of spending, I can tell you that the people of my district are not comfortable at all." - Barbara Comstock (a "free-market" ideologue who opposes government in general)

The absurdity of these statements knows no bounds. As Kaine spokeswoman Lynda Tran says, "It's interesting that a congressman who voted against the recovery act in the first place is now criticizing the governor's implementation of those funds." And as the DCCC notes, "Congressman Wolf wants Virginia voters to forget he opposed the very same stimulus funding he now calls 'critical' and 'desperately needed."

Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican!