Like President Obama, Creigh Deeds is committed to reducing health care costs and providing coverage for the 1.1 million Virginians without insurance. If the public option proves to be the best way to reach those objectives, he’d support having Virginia participate. He’ll examine all of the proposals on the table and choose the option than provides Virginians with the most affordable and quality coverage.
Creigh’s approach is eminently more responsible that Bob McDonnell’s. Last night, McDonnell put ideology ahead of Virginia’s best interests when he said he’d oppose a public option – which he previously said would cause a “government takeover” of health care -- even if it’s proven the best way to control health care costs.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Deeds Campaign Statement on Health Care Reform, Public Option
In the aftermath of Creigh's controversial comments at last night's debate regarding whether Virginia might "opt out" of a public option under a Deeds governorship, the Deeds campaign has issued a statement on health care reform and the public option.