... [Bill] Clinton will hold a rally with Deeds somewhere inside the Beltway in Northern Virginia on Tuesday, the Deeds campaign confirms. Also in attendance will be Clinton buddy and Deeds's rival during the primary campaign, Terry McAuliffe.Clinton, Gore and McAuliffe: feels like the 1990s (aka, the era of peace, prosperity, and budget surpluses) all over again! :)
...This evening, Deeds holds a fundraiser with former vice president Al Gore.
P.S. Where's George W. Bush and Dick "Dick" Cheney for Pat Robertson's Manchurian Candidate (aka, Bob McDonnell)?
UPDATE: TPM notes that "both Clintons have been on a bit of an upswing, with a recent poll showing Hillary with higher approval ratings than President Obama and Bill enjoying a boost after his rescue of two American journalists jailed by North Korea in August."