
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bob McDonnell Praises Eric "16% Approval" Cantor's "Leadership"

In this video, taken at the Seventh District Republican Roundup in Glen Allen (Henrico County) yesterday (thanks to rickinchvilleva for the footage), Bob McDonnell heaps praise on the "leadership" of his political soulmate, Rep. Eric Cantor (Party of "No"). It's highly revealing about McDonnell, because to date, Cantor's leadership has essentially consisted of saying "no" to everything, even things that were conservative ideas in the past (e.g., "cap and trade," which began in the Reagan and first Bush administrations and was reportedly supported by George HW Bush). But now that Cantor and his merry band of right-wingnut naysayers want to "break" the presidency of Barack Obama, it's all "no" all the time. That's the approach and the attitude that Bob McDonnell is praising when he extols Eric Cantor's fine "leadership": saying "no" to every idea, whether it's great, good, mediocre, or whatever, as long as it's not Made in the GOP.

By the way, the result of Cantor's obstructionism and completely unwillingness to work with the president and majority party has been exactly as you'd expect politically: dismal, pathetic, miserable polling numbers. Here are the latest, including a 13% approval/62% disapproval (-49 points) rating for Cantor's deputy dawg John Boehner and a 16% approval/69% (-53 points) disapproval rating for "Congressional GOPs," aka "Eric Cantor & Company." In contrast, "Congressional Democrats" are running at about 39/55 (-16 points), or 37 points higher than "Congressional Republicans." To sum it up, "Congressional Republicans" - led by Eric Cantor - are not only wrong morally and ethically, they're also getting killed politically by their rigid, right-wing ideological intransigence. The same rigid, right-wing, ideological intransigence, by the way, that Bob McDonnell would bring to the Virginia governor's mansion if (God forbid) he were to win the election on November 3. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.