Before you watch the embedded videos, here's a bit of information on the guy Rachel Maddow is demolishing. First, it's important to know that Tim Phillips is president of Americans for Prosperity, "one of the lead organizations behind the Tax Day Tea Party protests," a "partner" with the Heartland Institute's International Conference on Climate Change (global warming deniers), an advocate for "pro-tobacco industry positions on issues like cigarette taxes and clean indoor air laws," and (last but not least) "one of the conservative groups involved in organizing 'town hall protests' and 'recess rallies' where participants oppose health care reform by rambunctiously shouting down members of Congress..." A fine bunch of folks, in other words.
Second, you might want to keep in mind as you watch these videos that Bob McDonnell did legal work for the Faith and Family Alliance, the organization run by Tim Phillips which - among other things - funneled money for convicted felon Jack Abramoff (currently in jail) and Ralph Reed (who, as Rachel Maddow points out, should be in jail).
Oh yeah, it's probably also worth mentioning that Faith and Family Alliance's former executive director, Robin Vanderwall, is "now serving a seven-year prison term after he was convicted of soliciting sex from a minor on the Internet." According to the Washington Post, Vanderwall was "recruited in 2000 to run the Faith and Family Alliance by Tim Phillips and Phil Cox, whose consulting firm [New Dominion Strategies] has been paid $460,000 this year by McDonnell's campaign for attorney general." Oh yeah, Phil Cox is currently Bob McDonnell's campaign manager.
Finally, it's worth recalling that, in June 2009, Bob McDonnell said that "there’s never been any wrongdoing – anything – associated with [the Faith and Family Alliance]." For video of that incredible/laughable statement, see here.
With that background - and probably with the need for a long, hot shower - I think you're primed to watch the videos. Enjoy! :)