
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Republicans: Not Sublime, Not Subtle, Just Slamming

When you can't win on your own record, lie about your opponent's. Today's Virginian Pilot features a letter to the editor that hints at the veracity of Delegate Joe Bouchard's (D-83rd-Virginia Beach) opponent. There comes a point where your campaign's use of lies and innuendo begin to distinguish your own character.

Dr. Stolle is not running his own campaign but that campaign may soon take a toll on his character and reputation. Unable to competitively raise funds from within his own district he has become the recipient of a large transfer of funds from the Republican State Leadership Committee. This is neither a Virginia nor a leadership committee. He's been buttressed by $70,900 in the past two or so weeks. This has enabled him to go up on television with a distinctly deceptive ad that has every quality of production that spells $$$. And, now this "poll."

The Democratic delegates here in Virginia Beach are targeted and their opponents are being funded by outsiders who have no idea beyond demographics and polling how to reach the electorate. The Republican candidates are no more than marionettes swooning to the tune of their pop-economist puppeteers. You have to wonder what they have sold to earn this level of support.

Cross posted at VBDems