If the electorate looks the same way it did last November Deeds will probably pull this one out by the skin of his teeth. But if Republicans continue to be more energized (or Democrats are more disinterested) McDonnell will continue the lead he's held throughout the general election right through the finish line.In the downballot races, it's currently Bolling 43%-Wagner 35% and Cooch 43%-Shannon 34%. Obviously, there are a lot more undecided voters for LG and AG than for Governor.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
PPP: McDonnell 48%-Deeds 43%; Bolling and Cooch Lead as Well
PPP is out with its new poll of Virginia, and it's got Creigh Deeds continuing to close the gap on Bob McDonnell. According to PPP, "McDonnell leads 48-43," while "A month ago his lead was 49-42 and the month before that it peaked at 51-37." In the end, PPP concludes, "this is all going to come down to turnout."