
Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Moderate" Tom Rust and Right-Wing Extremist Eugene Delgaudio: Best Friends Forever

Here's some information on Eugene Delgaudio:
Eugene Delgaudio currently represents the Sterling District on the Loudoun County, Virginia, Board of Supervisors. He is also the executive director of the conservative non-profit organization, Public Advocate of the U.S. According to the Washington Post, "Delgaudio has become a leader in the nation's anti-gay rights movement". He is also called "one of the key leaders" in the extreme conservative view of "moral health". He has also appeared on Fox News, opposing the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers, suggesting Ann Coulter instead.

Delgaudio was a board member of conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. In 1981, he started Public Advocate of the U.S., a conservative activist group known for its street theater and protests opposing taxes and homosexuality. He has staged numerous protests outside the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Capitol including a “Perverts for Cellucci” rally opposing the nomination of Paul Celucci as ambassador to Canada, A man-donkey wedding to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, and a “Kennedy Sobriety Checkpoint” to draw attention to Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy’s (D-RI) car accident. In August 2007, he introduced a resolution asking the county administrator to find out what county services can be denied to undocumented immigrants. He has also controversially asked Muslims if they "come in peace" and whether they pledge allegiance to the United States.

In addition, Delgaudio "has been an outspoken critic on the board of environmental groups and an advocate of homebuilders in Loudoun" and "has been opposed to expanding government services and the school budget, including opposing parks and libraries in the county." As if all that isn't crazy enough, Delgaudio "voted on the board to disallow the Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter to rent space in a County facility because of their opposition to the [Marshall-Newman] amendment" and even "opposed the anti-bullying message of the D.A.R.E. program in the schools."

In sum, Eugene Delgaudio is so right wing he makes Bob Marshall and Ken Cuccinelli look like liberals. This is the guy that Tom Rust, who claims to be a "moderate," has allied himself with.

Perhaps it's a good time to remind Tom Rust of a quote by his friend (and contributor) George Allen back in 2006: "You can tell a lot about someone by those they keep company with." As I've said before, I don't usually think of George "Felix Macacwitz" Allen as a great man of wisdom, but on this one I think he's onto something. We'll see Tom Rust continues to "keep company with" Eugene Delgaudio's as this campaign proceeds...

This photo is from Tom Rust's Facebook page, one of several pictures from his town hall meeting on gangs with Eugene Delgaudio and Frank Wolf. Note that Delgaudio has several of these meetings a year. The only difference between those and this meeting is that Delgaudio let Tom Rust slap his campaign logo on the flyers for this one. Do you find it a bit odd that Tom Rust would suddenly get the Delgaudio fever over gangs? Well, it's even odder when you recall that Rust recently voted against funding aimed at helping localities deal with gangs and to fund drug courts, a program that has been begrudgingly praised by the Republican Commonwealth's Attorney in Loudoun as effective? Hmmmm.

Now, here are a couple of photos of Rust and Delgaudio at taken a back to school night a few weeks ago in Sterling.

Fortunately, Democrats have an excellent candidate this year taking on Eugene Delgaudio's "Best Friend Forever." That would be Stevens Miller, who represents the Dulles District and is chairman of the Loudoun Conty Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety/Human Services Committee. As Delegate, Stevens Miller will focus his energies on education and transportation, including "rail to Dulles, commuter buses, teleworking, and other answers." What Stevens Miller will not do is push "gimmicks like the Rust-Albo 'abusive driver' fees" or spend his time hanging out with the Loudoun County version of Ann Coulter. Go Stevens Miller!

P.S. I almost forgot, but check out this comment about the Tim Kaine fundraiser for Stevens Miller last week, and the "'Truthers for Tom' (Tom Rust supporters) who stood over there waving flags, anti Obama signs and "down with socialism" signs." Ha. Also, see this comment about "[t]he Tom Rust whose picture was posted on the internet celebrating with these people at a Help Save Herndon victory party in 2006, with the caption that read 'Tom Rust. Our man in Richmond!'" Nice.