
Friday, September 4, 2009

McDonnell to Hannity: Aid to Poor Families Undermines Familes (huh?!?)

From the Deeds campaign:
On Monday, Bob McDonnell told Virginia reporters that he had changed many of the positions in his blueprint for governing, and that he apologized to those it may have offended.

On Thursday, however, he came full-circle, defending his positions to right-wing talk show host Sean Hannity.

In a nationally broadcast interview, McDonnell echoed a key theme of his blueprint — that programs assisting low-income families with children “undermined the traditional family.
Here's Bob McDonnell explaining to his pal Sean Hannity what he really meant in his thesis.
Well, the thesis was about something that I think was very important and that is that marriage and family are the bedrock of our society then and that’s been true in quotes from John Kennedy to Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama to Governor Kaine to Bob McDonnell. People believe that--what I was doing in the late eighties was looking at sort of what happened after the Great Society vision of President Johnson and the AFDC program and some other things that had undermined the traditional family to say what are these government policies that are causing the impact on women and children and families and are there some things that we can do better?
So much for Ol' McDonnell's crazy, theocratic thesis being irrelevant because it was written soooo long ago in a galaxy far far away and all that. Yesterday, McDonnell proved that the Pat Robertson/Regent leopard hasn't changed its radical "red" spots one bit. To the contrary, McDonnell circa 2009 is still the same right wing zealot he was in 1989. The more things change...