
Friday, September 18, 2009

"Loudoun Independent": Worst Excuse for "Journalism" Ever?

I've been looking for a long time, and now I'm excited because I think I've found it: yes, the worst excuse for "journalism" ever! (not counting, of course, the Weekly World News' cover story, "Hillary Clinton Adopts Alien Baby" - lol) Here are just a few of the fatal flaws contained in the "Loudoun Independent" article linked above.

1. The entire article is based on one "source" (Don't they teach in journalism school that you need three sources for an article?)
2. That one source is an anonymous blogger. ("Though no name is attached to the blog, a description on its Web site states that the person behind Crystal Clear Conservative is a 'small town girl' who is a 'Libertarian-leaning Republican.'")
3. The story is completely untrue. (Stevens Miller merely expressed his desire that there be "a more diverse pool of candidates" for Loudoun County administrator)
4. The "Loudoun Independent" story - using the word "story" extremely loosely - is that Stevens Miller denies an outright lie about him, that he supposedly "referred to other BOS members as being bigots" (actually, they spell it "biggots" on the blog). Again, the only problems with this "story" are that Miller never did what he's claimed to have done and the only "source" is an anonymous, right-wing blogger.
5. The people running "Loudoun Independent" include Republican County Supervisor Lori Waters and Republican Commonwealth Attorney Jim Plowman. For more on Plowman, click here. For more on Lori Waters, who is as right wing as they come, click here and also here. Also, note that Waters is a political ally of the infamous Eugene Delgaudio (R-Sterling), famed for stuff like this:

*Founding "Public Advocate of the U.S., a conservative activist group known for its street theater and protests opposing taxes and homosexuality"

*"[Staging] numerous protests outside the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Capitol including a “Perverts for Cellucci” rally opposing the nomination of Paul Celucci as ambassador to Canada, [a] man-donkey wedding to support the Federal Marriage Amendment..."

*"[Asking] Muslims if they 'come in peace' and whether they pledge allegiance to the United States."

*"[Opposing] the anti-bullying message of the D.A.R.E. program in the schools..."

In sum, the "Loudoun Independent" is anything but "independent." In fact, it's a right-wing rag which publishes hit pieces and lies by anonymous right-wing bloggers against Democrats like Stevens Miller. Obviously, they have a right to do so. However, my main question is whether the supposed "moderate" Del. Tom Rust (R) agrees with these slimeball, gutter tactics and whether he will publicly denounce them. If Rust does not denounce this garbage, does that mean whether he aligns himself with the Lori Waters and Eugene Delgaudio's of the world?