
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jackson Miller Blows Off NAACP!

Wow, this is stunning. Stunningly stupid by Del. Jackson Miller (R-50), that is. Let's let Jeannette Rishell's campaign manager describe the situation.
I was floored by a phone call I received Monday morning. A member of the Prince William branch of the NAACP called to tell me that our opponent, Delegate Jackson Miller, refused to participate in the debate they were hosting. Apparently Delegate Miller's campaign was contacted several times by members of the Prince William NAACP to find a date suitable for scheduling and were eventually told that he wouldn't fit it into his schedule.

Delegate Miller wouldn't fit one of only two scheduled debates into his calendar! Somehow, even though Delegate Miller could find time to drive all the way to Fauquier County to speak at Delegate Marshall's campaign kickoff, he won't find the time to debate Jeanette at the forum being hosted by the Prince William NAACP.
Jeannette Rishell "This is an historic organization that everyone in this country respects and I am shocked that Delegate Miller refused." I would be shocked, except when I think about who we're talking about here.