
Friday, September 25, 2009

Herndon Republicans Cut Off Citizens, Defend "Tea Party" Protests

As the election approaches, It looks like elected Herndon Republicans have decided to suppress citizens' rights to challenge them.
Councilman Dennis Husch repeatedly interrupted several speakers Tuesday night during the public comment portion of the Herndon Town Council's public hearing, and Mayor Steve DeBenedittis tried to stop residents from speaking when they criticized the behavior of some Council members.

Citizens normally have three minutes to discuss anything that's not on the agenda. Ruth Tatlock attempted to use her time to express disappointment and concern that some members of the Town Council were either present or actively participating in a protest last Wednesday outside a campaign event for Democrat Stevens Miller, the candidate challenging Thomas D. Rust in the 86th state house district. Gov. Tim Kaine attended the event.


Interrupting, Husch elevated his voice to DeBenedittis saying, "Mr. Mayor, this is out of order. This is out of order," while Tatlock continued to read. After continuous attempts to have Tatlock sit down, the mayor asked for her microphone to be shut off so she wouldn't be heard by the viewers at home.
Ah, Democracy. Can you imagine if Jim Moran had done that at his town hall meeting to an 8th District resident who was following the rules and simply asking a question (however misguided)? The "tea party" Republicans - people like Husch and DeBenedittis - would be going nuts. But it's ok, apparently, for them to act like petty autocrats against any Herndon citizen who dares to challenge their behavior as public officials. Nice.

By the way, where is Tom "Abuser Fees" Rust in all of this, aside from remaining dead silent? Does Rust approve of people protesting when the governor of Virginia comes to town? Does he approve of signs like these? Is that what supposedly "moderate" Republicans do?

Or maybe Rust is busy hanging out with his pal Eugene Delgaudio, one of the most extreme right-wingnuts in the country, who has done stuff like this:
Delgaudio was a board member of conservative youth group Young Americans for Freedom. In 1981, he started Public Advocate of the U.S., a conservative activist group known for its street theater and protests opposing taxes and homosexuality. He has staged numerous protests outside the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Capitol including a “Perverts for Cellucci” rally opposing the nomination of Paul Celucci as ambassador to Canada, A man-donkey wedding to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, and a “Kennedy Sobriety Checkpoint” to draw attention to Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy’s (D-RI) car accident. In August 2007, he introduced a resolution asking the county administrator to find out what county services can be denied to undocumented immigrants. He has also controversially asked Muslims if they "come in peace" and whether they pledge allegiance to the United States.
Ah, fun times in Republican-right-wingnut-controlled Herndon...

P.S. Where's that other great "moderate" Republican, Frank Wolf, in all this? Must be too busy taking marching orders from Eric Cantor and John Boehner. Ha.

P.P.S. Needless to say, it's time for new leadership in the 86th HoD district!