
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"The feminist movement is the most dangerous, destructive force in our society today"

Yes, she's bonkers you say, but what's the connection to Virginia? Well...Phyllis Schlafly is cited in Bob McDonnell's thesis (see pages 39 and 78) and gave $1,000 (via her Eagle Forum PAC) to McDonnell's gubernatorial campaign. Here's what Schlafly had to say for herself at the "How To Take Back America" conference last weekend:
I submit to you that the feminist movement is the most dangerous, destructive force in our society today. [...] My analysis is that the gays are about 5% of the attack on marriage in this country, and the feminists are about 95%. [...] I’m talking about drugs, sex, illegitimacy, drop outs, poor grades, run away, suicide, you name it, every social ill comes out of the fatherless home.
Sound familiar? Hint: Bob McDonnell referred to working women and feminists as “detrimental” to the family. Hmmmm.