
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Doug Wilder to Announce His Endorsement This Week

According to The Washington Times, former Gov. Doug Wilder will be announcing his endorsement for governor this week. But who will it be exactly?
Seeing this as a pivotal moment in a very important election, Mr. Wilder said he would break with tradition and announce his endorsement for governor late this week at a time when polling numbers indicate that the race has tightened.

Mr. Wilder refused to specify who he intends to endorse
, but his tone toward both candidates has changed - less critical of Democrat R. Creigh Deeds and less effusive toward Republican Robert F. McDonnell than he was just a few weeks ago.

"The most important thing is what is best for the people of Virginia at this time and who is best prepared in these really tough times to govern. That is all that is governing me in terms of my decision," Mr. Wilder said.
As usual, Wilder likes to keep us all guessing, but I'd figure that, in the end, he'll give Creigh Deeds a lukewarm "thumbs up." We'll see.

By the way, I heard a rumor from a usually reliable source that Sheila Johnson's endorsement of Bob McDonnell came in response to a request from Doug Wilder to do so. Does anyone know any more about this? If true, it's fascinating. Thanks.