
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Deeds Campaign Launches "Bob's Take Virginia Backwards"

In a little while, the Deeds campaign will officially launch a new website called "Bob's Take Virginia Backwards." I talked to Eli Kaplan of the Deeds campaign, and he said the purpose of this website is several fold.

1. To spell out in a "user friendly, clear, concise way" that Bob McDonnell's political career matched his policy blueprint of 1989.

2. To illustrate how McDonnell worked to push his divisive, intolerant social agenda throughout his career, and at the expense of work on promoting economic opportunity.

3. To demonstrate that "records matter," and that McDonnell's thesis is an "important piece of the puzzle" in understanding McDonnell.

In addition, Kaplan told me that the launch of this website is part of a broader paid media campaign, including a "significant internet buy." The internet component will include banner ads on sites like,, Facebook, and Oxygen.

In sum, the point of "Bob's Blueprint to Take Virginia Backwards" is to clearly demonstrate that - as Eli Kaplan of the Deeds campaign says - "Bob McDonnell has very different priorities for Virginia" than most of us do. Hopefully, as that word gets out, McDonnell will suffer the political consequences.

UPDATE: Check out this hard-hitting new radio ad by the Deeds campaign.