
Friday, September 25, 2009

Comments by Gerry Connolly on Health Care, Eric Cantor, Doug Wilder, Governor 2013

In his discussion yesterday on the Washington Post, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11) made some interesting comments. Here are the highlights.

*On health care, Connolly pointed out that we currently "spend 18% of our GDP on health car" and that this "will grow to 34% by 2035 and 48% by 2050." According to Connolly, " That is not sustainable. Doing nothing is not an option." That is correct! :)

*On Eric Cantor, Connolly says that he "is leading his Caucus in a political effort to damage President Obama and has made a strategic decision to oppose major initiatives, rather than find common ground. That's unfortunate." Agreed.

*On Doug Wilder's decision not to endorse either Creigh Deeds or Bob McDonnell for governor, Connolly writes:
I would hope Governor Wilder would reconsider. I was a Delegate pledged to Governor Wilder when our party nominated him for Lt. Governor and for Governor, offices to which he was successfully elected. Had a number of us withheld our endorsement of him, he might never have achieved the political pinnacle in Virginia.

*Finally, on the next governor's race and whether he might be interested in running, Connolly responds enigmatically (but obviously keeping his options open), "After we elect Creigh Deeds in this year's election, we'll all have plenty of time to speculate about 2013." Personally, I'd prefer speculating on Chap Petersen for Governor 2013! :)