
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bob McDonnell on Fox News Sunday: Dodge, Distort, Evade

I just finished watching Bob McDonnell being interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Here's a brief synopsis.

1. McDonnell avoided/dodged pretty much every question, going to standard (and utterly discredited) GOP talking points instead. Why can't Bob McDonnell give a straight answer on anything?

2. Specifically, McDonnell couldn't reconcile his long history of votes and actions in support of the extreme social agenda laid out in his thesis with his claim to have "changed" and to be a "moderate" focused on the economy. Does Bob McDonnell even know who Bob McDonnell is at this point?

3. McDonnell couldn't explain for the life of him how his transportation "plan" (which has been ripped by editorial boards across Virginia) will do anything to solve Virginia's dire transportation problems, including an estimated $100 billion in revenue needs for transportation over the next 20 years. He probably couldn't explain it because his "plan" is nothing other than smoke, mirrors, purple unicorns and other fantasies.

4. McDonnell couldn't explain how it's possible to take billions of dollars from the general fund to fund transportation without harming education, public safety or other social services. Perhaps that's because there is no way to do that.

5. Chris Wallace actually asked some tough questions, but also had to get in the dig several times about Deeds (supposedly) refusing to appear on his show. My question is why any Democrat in his or her right mind would ever want to go on Fox "Unfair and Unbalanced" News?