
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bob McDonnell Cited "All pornography is homosexual pornography" Guy in Thesis

At the Values Voter Summit this past Saturday (9/19/09), Sen. Tom Coburn's (R-OK) Chief of Staff Michael Schwartz - who "began his ascent in the conservative movement with the anti-abortion rights group Operation Rescue, where he worked as an organizer in the early 1980s" - spoke on a panel entitled, "The New Masculinity." The blurb for the panel read as follows:
Feminism has wreaked havoc on marriage, women, children and men. It is time to redress the disorder it has wrought and that must start with getting the principles and ideals for a new "masculinism" right. Such a "masculinism" will have its dovetailing counterpart in a new "feminism" for they mutually define each other and, in nature, are meant to be complementary. This panel will begin this exploration.
Sounds fascinating, huh? No? Well, anyway, here's what Michael Schwartz - who authored a book in 1987 (two years prior to the publication of Bob McDonnell's thesis; more on that a bit later) "alleging that homosexuals were 'using the AIDS crisis to pursue [their] political agenda'" - had to say.
It's been a few years, not that many, since I was closely associated with pre-adolescent boys, boys who were like 10 to 12 years of age. But it is my observation that boys of that age have less tolerance for homosexuality than just about any other class of people. They speak badly about homosexuality. And that's because they don't want to be that way. They don't want to fall into it. And that's a good instinct. After all, homosexuality we know, studies have been done by the National Institutes of Health to try to prove it's genetic and all those studies have proved it's not genetic. Homosexuality is inflicted on people....All pornography is homosexual pornography because all pornography turns your sexual drive inwards. Now think about that. And if you, if you tell an 11-year-old boy about that, do you think he's going to want to go out and get a copy of Playboy? I'm pretty sure he'll lose interest. That's the last thing he wants.
Is that enough of Michael Schwartz for you? But wait, there's more!
... As Michael Schwartz remarked during a panel discussion, "The Supreme Court says we have the right to kill babies and the right to commit buggery. They say the people have no right to express themselves, that the people have no right to make laws. Until we have a court that reflects a majority," Schwartz continued, his voice rising steadily, "it is a sick and sad joke that we have a Constitution here."


As the conference attendees filed out of the banquet hall and into the rain-flecked night, mostly silent except for the few who were still sobbing, they seemed prepared to do anything--absolutely anything--against judges. "I want to impale them!" as Michael Schwartz told me.
OK, so we've conclusively determined that Michael Schwartz is a totally bonkers, extreme, homophobic, hate-filled bigot. But what, you ask, does that have to do with Virginia? Well, believe it or not, there's a Bob McDonnell connection and a pretty strong one at that. Yes, McDonnell's theocratic thesis is about to bite him in the butt (or maybe "impale" him?) once again. First, check out page 91, where McDonnell cites an article ("Keeping Daycare in the Family") by the very same Michael Schwartz who appears in the above video and crazy quotes. Now, go to page 40, where McDonnell quotes "Free Congress Director Michael Schwartz" talking about the "division between those whose conservatism is defined by dollar signs and those whose conservatism is rooted in the family." Of course, Schwartz (and an obviously approving McDonnell) falls on the "family values" side of the conservative spectrum, believing for instance that "the day-care question...[is] a family issue (how to help families care for their children)" as opposed to an economic or workplace issue (e.g., women going to work and putting their children in day care)

So, given that Bob McDonnell clearly is on the Michael Schwartz/"family values" side of the conservative spectrum, I've got a few questions for him.

1. Do you agree with Schwartz that "all pornography is homosexual pornography" and that reading Playboy will turn 12-year-old boys gay?

2. Do you agree with Schwartz that "Feminism has wreaked havoc on marriage, women, children and men?"

3. Do you agree with Schwartz that day care is "family issue" not a "workplace issue?"

4. Do you agree with Schwartz that "The Supreme Court says we have the right to kill babies and the right to commit buggery?"

5. Do you agree with Schwartz that it's time for a "New Masculinism?"

6. Do you agree with Schwartz that judges should be "impaled?"

7. Finally, do you agree with Schwartz that homosexuals used "the AIDS crisis to pursue [their] political agenda?"

I look forward to your prompt response to these questions, Mr. McDonnell, regarding comments by a man you cited approvingly in your thesis. Thank you very much. Sincerely, your friendly Democratic blogger. :)