John Bell, a decorated Air Force Finance Officer and Democratic candidate for Delegate in the 13 th District, today called on Republican Delegate Bob Marshall to pledge to stop prioritizing Bob McDonnell’s extremist blueprint for Virginia.
"The 13th District deserves a legislator who focuses on creating jobs, fixing our roads, supporting our veterans and educating our children," Bell said. "Whether it’s questioning the role of women in the workplace or voting against equal pay for equal work, Bob Marshall’s goal in the House of Delegates has been to advance Bob McDonnell’s extremist blueprint for a radicalized Virginia. I call on my opponent to pledge to stop making an attack on women’s rights the effort of his time in Richmond."
McDonnell’s blueprint, as reported on this week by The Washington Post, denounces the role of women in the workplace and the legality of contraception, among other divisive policy goals that would bring Virginia backwards, not forwards.
"If elected, I pledge to focus my legislative efforts on helping small businesses create jobs, educating our children and unclogging our roads. Bob Marshall’s record suggests he’ll work with Bob McDonnell to bring a divisive social agenda to state government."
Marshall doesn’t hide his record on these issues and, in fact, remains rather proud to have authored more than 80 bills to limit the rights of women. On Monday, the Associated Press referred to Marshall and McDonnell as “the most persistent abortion opponents” during their 14 years together in the House of Delegates and Marshall called on McDonnell to continue his extremist social agenda.
"For years, Bob Marshall has been Bob McDonnell’s most dedicated foot soldier in the House of Delegates," Bell said. "On every extreme issue in McDonnell’s blueprint — from equal pay for equal work for women to access to contraception — Marshall has demonstrated his priorities are even more extreme than Bob McDonnell. It’s time to move past extremism and focus on making a positive difference in people’s every day lives. I’ll do that."
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bell: Marshall Will Push "McDonnell’s extremist blueprint for a radicalized Virginia"
Over in the 13th House of Delegates district, John Bell comes out swinging against the man we not-very-affectionately call "Sideshow Bob." Go git'm, John!