
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Time for Action on Healthcare!

The word has gone out about Congressman Jim Moran's Health Care Town Hall with Howard Dean, in Reston, VA tonight at 7, but I just want to say one more time please attend. Details here and Firedoglake has organizing tools here.

The word, however, has not gone about a fundraiser for John Bell with Senator Mark Warner tomorrow night in Aleaxandria, VA. John Bell ( is an excellent Democratic candidate for the House of Delegates who is running against Delegate Bob Marshall who put the gay marriage ban on the ballot. The suggested donation is $75, but donate whatever you can and even if you can't donate anything still show up to support Bell. Details here. This is a great opportunity to ask Senator Warner in person about supporting the public health insurance option.

Please join us tonight for Moran/Dean and tomorrow night for Bell/Warner. There is no rest for progressives in Virginia.