
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shannon Calls on Hamilton to Resign; Cooch Punts

The different reactions by Steve Shannon and Ken Cuccinelli to the Del. Phil Hamilton (R-93) corruption story are highly revealing of the two AG candidates' characters.

First, here's Steve Shannon, calling on Hamilton to resign:
The bottom line is that Phil Hamilton appears to have attempted to use his position of public trust and taxpayers' money to enrich himself...I cannot see any way how his behavior can be plausibly explained. The chain of e-mails now made public seems to indicate Delegate Hamilton was attempting to secure state funds for the creation of a new center at ODU while, at the same time, negotiating his financial terms of employment with this center that had not yet been created.
Now, in stark contrast, here's Ken Cuccinelli's lame, spineless statement:
Do I wish it were unfolding differently? Of course I do. But I am confident that Virginia voters can factor that into their decision making.
Can we say "punt?" I mean, seriously, is this the type of "leadership" we want from Virginia's next Attorney General? Someone who can't even bring himself to call for a corrupt elected official to resign? No, I didn't think so. Go Steve!