Rasmussen is out with a new poll, and...well, at least it's not as bad as SurveyUSA and PPP! :)
Republican candidate Robert F. McDonnell has opened a nine-point lead over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds in the race for governor in Virginia.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Virginia voters finds McDonnell leading Deeds 47% to 38%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and 12% are undecided.
These figures reflect an improvement for McDonnell. A month ago, the GOP hopeful led by just three percentage points. Since then, he has gained three percentage points of support while Deeds has lost three percentage points.
It might also be worth noting that in Rasmussen's poll published on Thursday, June 11 (two days after the Democratic primary),
Rasmussen had the race as Deeds 47%-McDonnell 41%, or +6 for Deeds, compared to -9 for Deeds now. Obviously, this is not the direction we want the polls to be going, but as you can see, things can change quickly, and there's still sufficient time given that people really won't start focusing on the race until after Labor Day. At least that's the theory...