Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Obama Town Hall Meeting on Health Care
It looks like President Obama is slapping down the absurd, crazy disinformation being spewed put out there (mainly by Republicans) about health care reform. He's also going hard after the insurance companies, says that health care decisions shouldn't be made either by government bureaucrats OR by "insurance bureaucrats." Says the current system is working better for insurance companies than "real people," that "too many people are 'held hostage' by insurance companies that charge too much, reimburse too little, or deny coverage altogether." Good stuff...some actually FACTS for a change!
UPDATE: A transcript of President Obama's town hall forum earlier today is now available. The key point is that "the status quo is not working for you," that the current system "is bankrupting families and businesses," and "that's why we are going to pass health insurance reform in 2009." G'Obama!