
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mudcat Saunders: Bob McDonnell "nailed" [UPDATE: "screwed"] to Pat Robertson

UPDATE 8:29 am Wednesday: Mudcat just called me to say he got a good laugh at the absurdity of people claiming he was referring to "crucifixion" when he talked about Bob McDonnell being "nailed" (e.g., tied extremely tightly) to Pat Robertson. Mudcat asked me to change his quote to the following: "Bob McDonnell's not only tied to Pat Robertson, he's screwed to him." And, Mudcat asks me to add, "Hopefully that doesn't violate Bob McDonnell's beloved Virginia 'crimes against nature' law." (the one McDonnell "couldn't recall" if he ever violated)

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to talk to my old friend Dave "Mudcat" Saunders (author and former strategist for Mark Warner, Jim Webb, John Edwards, etc.), and as usual he had a number of interesting insights and quotable quotes. Here are the highlights.

*"Rural is not so much geographic as something you've got down in your soul."

*"Who would have thought in 2007 that by 2008, Hillary Clinton could have redefined herself as pro-gun and anti-trade? All of a sudden, she was drinking shots. She did a helluva job redefining herself."

*"I would never allow Bob McDonnell to redefine himself as any kind of moderate. He's not only tied to Pat Robertson, he's nailed to him."

*"I am NOT attacking Bob McDonnell's religion, I'm attacking his intolerance."

*"Nobody loves God more than me, and I would never attack Him. What I don't tolerate is intolerance."

*"Bob McDonnell doesn't give a damn about a road, a job, a school...he's all about social issues. He's on a mission from God, just like the Blue Brothers."

*"Bob McDonnell's a damn nice guy, but he doesn't believe like regular people do. He's way out of the mainstream."

*"The idea that [Bob McDonnell's] been this big advocate for the working man is laughable."

*"I love Creigh Deeds and I hope he wins because I think he'll make an outstanding governor."

*"I don't know what the Deeds' campaign plan is and I'm not telling them what to do."

*"I'm a populist. There's never been a better environment for economic populism than now, at least since Teddy Roosevelt got elected. If we're not going to do [economic populism] now, when ARE we going to do it?"

*"This is a 'frustration' election. People are not only frustrated, they're confused and afraid. They've never been through anything like this economy."

*"The candidate who calms their fears the most will win."