
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Maybe We'll Win New Jersey After All

This doesn't look good for NJ Republican gubernatorial candidate Christopher Christie (the photo here is of Christie with Bob McDonnell and Mark Sanford), leading in the polls right now against Gov. Jon Corzine in this year's election.
Christopher J. Christie, the Republican challenging Gov. Jon S. Corzine, failed to report income on his tax returns from a loan he gave to a top aide while he was New Jersey’s ranking federal prosecutor, Mr. Christie said on Tuesday.

Mr. Christie also failed to report the $46,000 loan as required under federal and state ethics rules.

The aide, Michele A. Brown, borrowed the money in 200 7 from Mr. Christie while he was United States attorney for New Jersey and she was his executive assistant and counsel, according to mortgage records in Morris County.
Not good for Christie, and it may soon be getting worse:
The government watch-dog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has jumped into the fray against former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie, who is now the Republican nominee for Governor of New Jersey. CREW is now calling for an investigation by the Office of the Special Counsel, into Christie's recently-revealed conversations with Karl Rove about a potential run for governor while Christie was a U.S. Attorney.
Looks like we might win New Jersey after all. Now, back to Virginia...