
Monday, August 10, 2009

Deeds Campaign: "Backwards Bob" Has Been on a "Crusade" Against Choice

It looks like the Deeds campaign is ramping up its efforts to demonstrate that Bob McDonnell is not the "moderate" he (falsely) claims to be. Thus, meet "Backwards Bob," who the Deeds campaign points out "sponsored not one, not twenty, but thirty-five bills restricting a woman’s right to choose" and has generally been on "a crusade" against a woman's right to choose.

The way I'd put it is this: when it comes right down to it, there's essentially no difference on reproductive rights issues between Del. "Sideshow" Bob Marshall and Republican gubernatorial nominee "Backwards Bob" McDonnell. Or between Bob McDonnell and his friend/mentor Pat Robertson, for that matter. And that's a frightening thought.