
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Creigh Deeds: Live Video Chat at 12:45 PM

Click here to watch and also ask your question(s) of Creigh Deeds.

First question from Jason Kenney on abortion. Both candidates pledged not to make social issues a big part of why are you?

Creigh: This campaign's not about social issues, it's about the future of Virginia, it's about the economy. This is important because is shows difference in priorities between my opponent and me. Also, major difference on birth control - McDonnell voted to restrict. Voted to allow pharmacists to not fill birth control prescriptions. I voted for parental notification - I've got three daughters - but I don't favor further restrictions on abortion rights.

Question on transportation: since you've said you won't use general fund money and won't say what you'll do about taxes, how will you pay for transportation?

Creigh: I've taken tough stands, worked for solutions. Next governor will be charged with restoring confidence in economy, no better way than by unlocking avenues of commerce. First year as governor, we'll get transportation plan passed. Next governor will have to bring people together, get things done. Build a 21st century, multi-modal transportation system. I will work with whoever's in the General Assembly, Democrats and Republicans. Yes, I would sign a bill to raise gas tax, raise revenue, allows us to move forward. I will not take money away from general fund.

Question about public-private partnerships, privatizing ABC stores.

Creigh: He'd support public-private partnerships. Privatization of ABC stores has to be on the table as a matter of public policy. Let's face it, Virginians don't want liquor stores on every corner. About $100 million a year goes from ABC stores to general fund, how are we going to make that money up? McDonnell's plan doesn't address that, one of the reasons that plan is Dead on Arrival.

Question: Should state (VITA) have entered into contract with Northrop-Grumman in public-private partnership.

Creigh: He's anxious to hear results of Senate study. Replace head of VITA with someone who reports directly to governor. Over the years, we've privatized many functions of VDOT, I'm not certain the tradeoff in terms of quality and service has paid off for us. If private sector can provide services more effectively, more efficiently, then privatization can make sense. There are instances where that's not true. We have obligation to be as efficient as possible. "Reinventing government" to be as efficient, effective as possible.

Question on Marshall-Newman, will he work to repeal it?

Creigh: He will focus on economy, schools, etc. Government is a matter of priorities. There's not the political will to overturn it. That will not be a priority during my 4 years as governor.

Question on closure of gun show loophole.

Creigh: I'd sign the bill. I've worked hard with Governor, Senator Marsh, Virginia Tech families on this. Every bill has to be weighed on its own merits, demerits. In general, I support closing the gun show loophole.

Question on concealed carry weapons in bars and restaurants.

Creigh: I'd sign the bill. We don't technically have "bars" in Virginia. Can't drink alcohol when you have concealed weapon.

Question on one gun a month.

Creigh: I voted against that bill, wasn't convinced it would be an effective tool. Since then, I've seen studies that have indicated I was correct.

Question on Doug Wilder endorsement, Barack Obama.

Creigh: Gov. Wilder is a historic figure in Virginia politics. I would be honored to have his support, but can't take anyone's support for granted. President Obama is a remarkable, once-in-a-lifetime leader. I don't agree with him on all of the issues and am not afraid to tell him. Any president in first year will hit some rough spots. In general, the president will be a big help for me. Not sure exactly when or where he'll be back in Virginia, but he's promised to do so.

Questions on early childhood education, children's mental health problems. Also, in light of budget problems, how do we proceed?

Creigh: These are challenging times, but you don't get to choose your times. We need leadership. Studies show that 90% of child's brain develops by the age of 5. Department of Corrections is filled with people who don't have high school diplomas. A little money invested in early children's education will save us a lot in the long run. Smartest investment is in pre-K education. Will be hard to achieve but we have to work towards that goal. Partner with churches, synagogues to provide children's services. On mental health, now 1 in 150 children has autism, it's an epidemic. We have to have schools equipped to deal with children with autism and other mental health problems.

Question on unionization in workplace, public sector employees. Also, do you support "right to work?"

Creigh: Labor organizations supported one of the other candidates during primary. People have right to organize. I strongly support Virginia's right-to-work law. EFCA, frankly, is not an issue that's not going to come across my desk. We ought to be focused on creating economic opportunity for Virginians, not be preoccupied with federal issues. Secret ballot is what assures integrity of any electoral process, I don't support removing secret ballot including in union election.

Question on support from Terry McAuliffe, Brian Moran.

Creigh: The day after that primary, we had news conference, they said they would do whatever I ask them to do. Both of those guys are committed to my campaign and will be part of our effort.

Question on speeding ticket, fender bender, hit a bear? If elected governor, will you be driving yourself?

Creigh: Nothing I could do when I struck the bear. Other two incidents also unfortunate. First incidence, my brakes didn't work right. Second one, I was driving too fast. I'm not really focused on raising the speed limit.

Question on polls showing Creigh behind Bob McDonnell. How do you come back?

Creigh: It's August, not a lot of people focused on the election. I was way down in polls in primary until the end. We've planned our work and are working our plan. I'm confident we're going to win. People haven't seen anything yet.