
Friday, August 14, 2009

Creigh Deeds Calls Omar Samaha

Virginia Tech shooting victim Reema Samaha's brother Omar Samaha, who opposed Creigh Deeds in the primary because of Deeds' positions on gun issues, writes:
...just got a phone call from Creigh Deeds, Democratic Candidate for Virginia Governor
I'm intrigued as to what they talked about (and also happy that Creigh called him). So far, Omar Samaha ie being coy: "let's just say...we talked politics."

UPDATE: Apparently, big-time Deeds' supporter Tom Greeson helped set up the conversation (Samaha writes, "Thanks for setting me up with Deeds Tom!"). Greeson adds on Facebook,"I'm glad you connected. Your group has something to say of importance re guns and schools. And Creigh is very thoughtful and appreciative of getting good ideas."