
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cooch Embraces the "Tea Party"

From Ken Cuccinelli's latest "Compass" comes this gem:
...for those of you that may have attended a Tea Party recently, my opponent held a telephone conference call for the press last month in which he condemned the entire "Tea Party movement" (in case you weren't sure what he thought of YOU...).
Thank you to Ken Cuccinelli for confirming that his core support is coming from the right wing of the Republican Party (e.g., not moderates). As further confirmation, the rest of Cuccinelli's "Compass" is standard "Tea Party" rhetoric about "state sovereignty," "property rights," "drilling offshore for oil," "protecting our coal industry," being "pro-life," supporting the hateanti-gay-marriage amendment, ranting about "federal 'card check' legislation," bashing "cap and trade," etc. Great stuff, huh?