
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Barack Obama Calls Out Republicans on Their "Death Panel" Insanity

I am particularly happy that Obama said this:
I just lost my grandmother last year I know what it’s like to watch somebody you love who’s aging...deteriorating...and have to struggle with it. So the notion that somehow I ran for public office, or members of Congress are in this so they can go around pulling the plug on Grandma?

...and this:
...we had a provision in the House bill that would give the option, the option, of somebody getting counseling on end of life care or hospice care and have it reimbursed by Medicare. The option, voluntary, so that you’d have more information on how to deal with these situations. Turns out, the biggest proponent of this was a Republican Congressman who is now a Senator and a colleague of Mr. Udall and Mr. Bennett. Turns out, in Medicare Part D, which was passed by a Republican Congress, they had the exact same provision!
Good for Barack Obama, now let's here every single Democrat calling out Republicans on this Palinesque-level lunacy. And let's shame Republicans like Eric Cantor into scaling back their breathtaking dishonesty on this, and on so many other aspects of health care reform, climate change legislation, the economic stimulus package, etc., etc.

UPDATE: Here's video from the White House.