
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Video: Virgil Goode Rants to Constitution Party About "Illegals," etc.

Thanks to a friend of mine for watching these videos and taking these notes so I didn't have to! :) For the rest of the videos, click here. Other than that, enjoy! :)
A brief rundown...Goode is welcomed and is commended for his Keith Ellison comments among other things.

Goode believes now is a scarier time than the Cuban missile crisis...or during the horrible leadership of LBJ. He then butchers a baseball reference (The Milwaukee Braves are no longer a team...haven't been for decades). He liked Bush, but believes Bush was soft on immigration.

Virgil says COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION IS COMING NEXT YEAR...and it means AMNESTY. Birthright citizenship...basically because of it; we're giving children food stamps. Goode doesn't seem to care whether it needs a constitutional amendment or statute. Whatever! Diversity visas? Hell no? Refugee or political asylum? Those people don't have assets - kick 'em out. SCHIP gives health insurance to illegal immigrant kids who have only been legal a few days!!!

If we did not have "illegals" in America we could reduce the number of uninsured by at least 1/4 and probably 1/3. Problem solved!

We don't ask our students to show birth certificates in their schools! But Virgil's tricky. He thinks we kick kids out of school "because of age not because they are illegal hehehe."

Not to get sidetracked from immigration, but Virgil also want term limits. It takes a lot of money to run. Fundraising sucks. "I think there should be a 12-year limit for the House"...And no, Goode was not being ironic. Seriously, 12 years is it! I think I can support Virgil on this one ;-)

Former members of the house should never be allowed to lobby for a foreign country, and maybe not at all.

Pro-life, anti-gay! "Marriage should be between one man and one one time" (shit-eating grin, because Virgil divorced his first wife for a younger version...) Haha, y'all have been divorced too! I'm pointing at you sir! Goode then talks about gays in Vermont (pronounced "Vermin") getting married could move to Virginia! He seems totally unaware of Loving v. Virginia.

Well that was fun. I wish i could have watched the Q&A.