
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tom Davis: Republicans Have Become Rural, Southern, Lack-of-Education Party

The part where Tom Davis says - with a straight face, no less! - that Abraham Lincoln would join the party of Mitch McConnell and not the party of Barack Obama if he (Lincoln) were alive today is completely laughable, but the rest of this interview is fascinating. Interesting quotes by Tom Davis:

*"Politics has been defined by culture over the last several cycles, and we've become a rural party and a Southern party..."

*"...Obama carried 78 of the 100 counties with the highest education, McCain carried 88 of the 100 counties with the lowest education. As we've moved to cultural politics, that's been the shift." Asked if that's a smart move by Republicans, Davis says, "no, it's a terrible move."

*On the far right like Tony Perkins and Rush Limbaugh, Tom Davis says "they don't think we've gone far enough...they want a private club with an admissions test, they don't want a party which is by definition a coalition." Davis also agrees that those guys would "rather lose."

Good stuff, thanks to Tom Davis for saying what many of us in the Democratic Party (and, like myself, former northeastern Republicans who left that party when it moved to the Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson/know-nothing right) have been saying for years.

h/t Political Wire