
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time for Some "Real Substance in Gov. Debates"

I've gotta agree with this:
...The candidates, former attorney general Robert F. McDonnell (R) and state Sen. R. Creigh Deeds (D-Bath), know each other well and seem likely to conduct the campaign with mutual respect for now.

That's a shame, because some of the candidates' positions deserve rude dismissal. McDonnell endorsed the economic policies of President George W. Bush -- you know, the ones that led to the worst recession in seven decades. Deeds said his No. 1 priority is transportation -- but refuses to spell out how he'd address it.

In many respects, the substance of the one-hour contest Saturday repeated the same stale arguments that have dominated Virginia politics for years. The discussion suggested that neither party has advanced in its thinking about key issues at stake this year.
That's the impression I had too - stale talking points. How about some straight talk and real substance for a change? Like, for instance...

*How about both candidates admitting that there's no chance in hell of fixing Virginia's $100 billion worth of transportation requirements without a huge tax increase to pay for it.

*How about both candidates admitting that there's no chance of fixing anything in this Commonwealth unless we get legislators who are not bought and paid for by corporate interests ranging from Dominion Power to Smithfield Foods to Altria to the construction industry to...just about everyone?

*How about both candidates admitting that Virginia's tax system is completely regressive, antiquated, and in need of a total overhaul? (e.g., reinstate the estate tax immediately, raise the gas tax for the first time in decades)

*How about both candidates talking about the roots causes of our transportation problems, such as subsidies and policies that encourage sprawl - exurbia, cul de sacs, etc. - instead of glossing it all over with gimmicks like selling off ABC stores to raise money (for what, one interchange?)?

*How about some straight talk and spine, like Bob McDonnell admitting he's a Pat Robertson Republican and not a moderate? Like Creigh Deeds strongly defending Democratic priorities like slashing carbon emissions and providing high-quality health care to all Americans, instead of running away from/dodging two of the most crucial issues facing America - and Virginia - right now?

*How about both candidates admitting that there's no fundamental reason why we should expect them to do any better than Tim Kaine did the last four years, dealing with a completely obstructionist/dysfunctional General Assembly (particularly the House of Delegates)?

*How about we ditch the pandering to powerful, extremist interest groups like the NRA?

*How about both candidates stop using tired, meaningless catchphrases and bromides like "business friendly," "best managed state in the country," "AAA bond rating," "the Warner-Kaine legacy," "forward not backward," "common sense solutions," "Virginia values," "moderate," "strengthen families," etc?

Would a debate like that be more edifying than the one we watched yesterday? I'd argue it couldn't be less.