
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank You Senators Webb and Warner...

...for voting to strike $1.75 billion in spending on a wasteful, pointless weapons system (the F-22 fighter) designed to confront an adversary (the Soviet Union) that hasn't existed for almost 20 years now. It's time to get with the 21st century and be prepared to fight the types of conflicts that might come about today, not decades ago. Thanks again.

By the way, before any Republicans (or anyone else) try to attack Webb and Warner for this, keep in mind that the Bush Administration also tried to halt F-22 production. Also, keep in mind that this plane has never been used in war, and that Secretary of Defense Gates strongly opposed it, asking the other day, "If we can’t get this right, what on earth can we get right?" Fortunately, we got this one right.