
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Tea Party" Organizer: Cooch Juuust Right for Me!

This would be hilarious if it weren't so frightening.
[99th District Tea Party organizer Jim] Spiess pointed out that the Tea Party is not affiliated with any political party but he personally is supporting Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General of Virginia. Cuccinelli has assured him that when elected he will file a lawsuit against the federal government to reclaim the state’s 10th Amendment rights, Spiess said. On the other hand, Spiess said Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell had shown him only the usual broad politician’s statements.
I also love how this guy handed off the microphone to someone ranting about how the United Nation’s Convention of the Rights of the Child, and that would of course lead to..."all children would be under Federal rules, including those for sex education, which, 'We all know furthers the homosexual agenda,' she observed."

As I said, I can't decide if this is more hilarious or frightening. But one thing's for sure: Ken Cuccinelli is definitely these people's cup of "tea!" :)

P.S. Also, I love how Bob "Pat Robertson" McDonnell isn't right-wingnutty enough for these people, but Cooch is juuuust right. Fascinating.