
Thursday, July 23, 2009

"Stop That Risky Experiment!" Throughout History

If Michael Steele had been around - and head of the Republican Party - in the following years, here's most likely what he would have said.

1492: Columbus sails the ocean blue. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1607: Jamestown, Virginia colony founded by Captain John Smith. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1620: Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth Rock. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1775, 1776: U.S. revolution begins, Declaration of Independence approved. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1784: Ben Franklin invents bifocal eyeglasses. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1787: The Constitutional Convention. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1789: The Bill of Rights: "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1800: New capital, Washington DC. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1803: Louisiana Territory purchased. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1804: Lewis and Clark expedition begins. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1842: 10-hour work day for children under 12 in Massachusetts. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1854: Republican Party formed. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1863: Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1869: Union Pacific meets Central Pacific rail lines. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1876: National League (baseball) founded. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1876: Alexander Graham Bell patents telephone. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1879: Women lawyers permitted to argue cases before Supreme Court. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1879: Thomas Edison invents incandescent light. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1902: Teddy Roosevelt begins conservation of forests. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1903: U.S. starts digging Panama Canal. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1903: Wright Brothers' first airplane. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1908: GE patents electric toaster. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1908: Henry Ford introduces Model T. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1920: 19th Amendment gives women right to vote. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1927: Charles Lindbergh flies across Atlantic Ocean. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1933: FDR begins "New Deal." "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1935: Social Security enacted. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1944: D-Day. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1947: Marshall Plan. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1947: Jackie Robinson becomes first black baseball player in Major Leagues. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1948: NATO formed. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1954: Field trials of Salk polio vaccine begin. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1955: Supreme Court forbids racial segregation in schools. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1958: America launches first satellite. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1960: Civil Rights movement begins. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1961: JFK launches Apollo project to send man to moon. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1964: Congress passes Civil Rights Act. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1965: Medicare enacted. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1970: EPA established to enforce Clean Air Act. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1971: Voting age lowered from 21 to 18. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1972: DDT banned for most use in United States. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1973: Designated hitter established in American League. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1978: Jimmy Carter negotiates Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1981: Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on Supreme Court. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1987: President Reagan urges Soviet leader Gorbachev to "tear down this wall." "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1989: President Bush signs legislation bailing out 800 insolvent Savings and Loans. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1989: Treaty banning chemicals that deplete ozone layer enters into force. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
1997: Major League Baseball begins interleague play. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"
Today: Health care reform. "Stop That Risky Experiment!"

Get the idea? Ha. :)