
Monday, July 27, 2009

Scaaaary: Watch Out for Those Evil "Union Militants!"

What boggles my mind is that there are actually people out there - in this case, the outfit known by the Orwellian name, The National Right to Work Committee - who actually believe this garbage ("union militants" forcing workers under "Big Labor control," etc.). Of course, it's the same crazy mentality that also wants us to believe that Barack Obama wasn't really born in the United States, or that health care reform means "socialized medicine," or that efforts to save the planet from global warming are some sort of diabolical liberal scheme to steal our freedom, or that we may need to turn to the "bullet box" against our own government. So, on second thought, I guess it's not that surprising to see ads like this. It's just sad.

P.S. Note to Senators Warner and Webb: please give this add all the consideration that it's due. None.