
Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin, The "Mavericky Maverick," Resigns as Governor of Alaska

Here is what the Washington Post's Stephen Stromberg thinks. "All together, the picture is of a politician with obvious abilities to connect to ordinary folks -- but one who is also arrogant, unstable and unwise. Her latest move makes the image even clearer." No argument here.

UPDATE: Click here for more commentary, including Republican strategist John Weaver who says "I'm not smart enough to see the strategy in this...Good point guards don't quit and walk off the court."

UPDATE #2: Ahhh...the REAL reason Sarah Palin resigned. :)

UPDATE #3: Republican strategist Mike Murphy says, "Just read the priceless official text of Palin speech ( It's clear the gubernatorial CHEESE has slid off the CRACKER." Hahahahaha.