Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins today noted that the radical organization "21st Century Democrats" has endorsed Creigh Deeds in his bid to become Governor of Virginia as the Democratic nominee. The 21st Century Democrats use the so-called Card Check legislation as a measure to gauge their enthusiasm for a candidate. The Card Check bill currently before Congress would do away with secret ballot decisions employees make on unionization and subjects workers to scrutiny and public pressure, while handcuffing employers and stifling job growth.
The 21st Century Democrats endorsed Deeds by press release today, prompting Deeds to gush, "I respect their commitment to grassroots politics and admire their long record of electing progressives across the country." Candidates generally do not receive the endorsements of organizations without completing candidate questionnaires.
Question number five on the 21st Century Democrats candidate questionnaire reads, in part, "Do you support the Employee Free Choice Act?"
During Saturday's gubernatorial debate hosted by the Virginia Bar Association, Deeds telegraphed his approval of the Act, also known as Card Check, which will hamstring employers, increase the cost of doing business, strangle job creation and expose workers to the strong arm of big labor union bosses. "It's not going to do anything to impugn Virginia's integrity as a business-friendly state," Deeds said in the debate.
"Well, birds of a feather flock together," said Chairman Mullins. "It's pretty obvious that Mr. Deeds would not have gotten their endorsement if he didn't answer the question of card check to their satisfaction. Now that we know where he stands on coerced unionization, we can hopefully get past all of his obfuscation on that idea."
21st Century Democrats was co-founded by Jim Hightower, co-chairman of Ralph Nader's ill-fated presidential campaign in 2000. A well-known liberal commentator and writer, Hightower authored a book entitled "There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos: A Work of Political Subversion."
"My mother taught me that two wrongs don't make a right, but I soon figured out that three left turns do," Hightower once famously wrote.
"Mr. Deeds has tried to fool people into thinking he was some sort of moderate, but that's out the window now," Mullins said. "Clearly, Creigh didn't want to be that dead armadillo, so he wandered off into the left lane of the highway.
"This is quite a remarkable departure from the Creigh Deeds we knew just four years ago - before he decided to seek his party's nomination. He has veered so far to the left that he is now attracting the ‘who's who' of the fringe liberal movement," Mullins said.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Republican Party of Virginia Says 21st Century Democrats is "Radical"
Don't these people ever get bored of this crap? Sure guys, everyone who's not a right-wing Republican is now a "radical." Health care reform is "radical." Investing in America's infrastructure is "radical." Unemployment benefits are "radical." Protecting our planet from environmental disaster is "radical." All that's radical, but Catherine Crabill calling for violent, armed revolution against the U.S. government is perfectly alright. Yeah, I think I got it now...