Friday, July 31, 2009
Reminder on Site Rules
Just a reminder, particularly to a few of our Republican "friends'" recent comments, that profanity, personal attacks, bigotry, and "trolling" are not allowed on this site. Included in "trolling" is most definitely "birther" madness. In the future, comments questioning the fact (emphasis on the word FACT) that Barack Obama was born in the United States (Hawaii, to be exact) will be deleted with no further warning. Thank you for your cooperation on this. And no, this is not "censorship" because this is a private blog (e.g., not a government site) - mine - and I have no intention of allowing it to be overrun by idiocy and craziness. Also, there are hundreds (thousands?) of other blogs (Free Republic, etc.) where you can join with your fellow "birthers" if that is your desire. Go to it - just not here!