
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Prince William Tea Party Invites Anti-Immigrant Hate Group"

This article, "Prince William Tea Party Invites Anti-Immigrant Hate Group," by the consistently excellent (not to mention courageous) anti-BVBL blog is well worth reading. Here's an excerpt.
...I thought the Tea Parties were a way to revitalize the Republican Party. Apparently, they’ve opted instead to shoot themselves in the foot by inviting the anti-immigrant organization - Federation for American Immigration Reform(FAIR) that has been declared a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC). The SPLC is a civil rights organization that was recently in the news after they correctly identified the Holocaust shooter as a white supremacist.
Gee, and here I thought the "Tea Parties" were a way for right wingnuts of various stripes (wingnutty, wingnuttier, wingnuttiest) to rail against their paranoid fantasies of "socialism" taking over America, of Obama "taking our guns away," and of so many other horrors like high-quality health care for all Americans and a new, vibrant, clean tech economy that doesn't rely on Saudi oil. Oh yes, and to celebrate the sacred Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" Flag; let's not forget that nice bit of "dog whistle politics."

Anyway, party on in Prince William County, tea baggers, while the rest of us celebrate the birthday of our nation and a government "of the people, by the people and for the people."