
Thursday, July 9, 2009

LCV Launches Ad in Support of Congressman Perriello

The National Republican Campaign Committee and the Republican leadership in Washington last week attacked Democrats who supported the clean energy jobs bill that recently passed the House of Representatives with misleading ads citing false information. Today, the League of Conservation Voters fought back against these inaccurate attacks with a TV ad buy in support of both the honest truth and Congressman Tom Perriello’s crucial vote for clean, safe, American energy.

LCV’s ad will air throughout the week in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. The ad is online at

“Unable to make a case for their continued support of the same failed energy policies of the past, Congressman Eric Cantor and the Republican congressional leadership are relying on false and discredited information to justify their opposition to building a clean energy economy,” LCV President Gene Karpinski said.

The non-partisan watchdog group calls the NRCC’s claim, based on a Heritage Foundation proposition that energy costs could go up nearly $1,800 a year per household under the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES), “wrong.” Roanoke TV station WDBJ has refused to air the NRCC attack ad targeting Mr. Perriello. Additionally, Representative Cantor recently cited an MIT study that said was a “misrepresentation.” The study was not based on ACES legislation and the author of that study has disputed Republican interpretations of his work.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), an impartial and reputable source, says that consumers in 2020 will see a cost increase of less than $175 per year, roughly $15 per month, under ACES. CBO also found that the most vulnerable families will see a net benefit of $40 per year under this bill.

“Representative Perriello cast a critical vote for a comprehensive clean energy jobs bill that will create the industries of tomorrow and make the U.S. a global leader in new energy technology,” Karpinski continued. “These Republican leaders in Washington continue to cling to Big Oil’s failed energy policies and Karl Rove’s somewhat casual relationship with the truth.”