Based on this report, it looks like the Republican establishment has picked a candidate to take on Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2) in 2010.
Businessman Scott Rigell said Wednesday that he will seek the seat of freshman Rep. Glenn Nye (D-Va.) in 2010.
Rigell emerged after state Sen. Ken Stolle declined to run for the seat and instead opted to run for Virginia Beach sheriff. Rigell has been in talks with the national party, which is enthusiastic about his candidacy.
Along with announcing his candidacy Wednesday, Rigell announced the endorsements of Drake, state Sen. Frank Wagner, state Del. Sal Iaquinto, state Del. Bob Purkey, Virginia Beach Commonwealth’s Attorney Harvey Bryant, Virginia Beach City Councilmen Ron Villanueva and Bill DeSteph, and Robert Martinez, the state’s former secretary of transportation.
Rigell, 49, is founder and president of Freedom Automotive and owns car dealerships throughout the Virginia Beach area. Republicans feel his business background and name ID from his dealerships make him formidable in the race against Nye.
There are several other Republicans in the running for the 2nd CD nomination, but it looks likely that Scott Rigell will be the one to take on Glenn Nye next year. One thing I found using "teh Google" is
this: "[Rigell] says he owes his success with employees to
a philosophy he learned while obtaining his master's degree in business administration at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va." I also found
something odd: it appears that
Rigell donated $1,000 to Obama for America (on March 10, 2008); a strange one for a Republican who also gave
around $80,000 to Bob McDonnell, $13,300 to Thelma Drake, $7,000 to George Allen, $6,000 to Mark Earley, $5,000 to Jerry Kilgore, $2,000 to Ed Schrock and $2,800 to the RPV.