
Friday, July 24, 2009

Gee, Ya Think? You Betcha!

My favorite quote from this morning's papers comes from this article on Sarah Palin in the Washington Post.
Rich Buila, 38, of Sharonville, Ohio, who works in finance and voted for the McCain-Palin ticket in November, said his opinion of the governor has changed. "I don't think that she is cut out to be on the national stage," he said. "I look at her education and her background and the way she carries herself and her [resignation] speech, and when you have someone who's out there saying 'You betcha' about 50 times, I don't think that's the person we want to have negotiating with other countries."
On the first quote, frankly, anyone who can't figure out that Sarah Palin is a complete and utter nincompoop who shouldn't even be considered as a national leader must be watching Fox News all the time or something. Or than that, it's inexplicable how anyone in their right mind could conclude that; no matter what your political persuasion, Palin's a joke. On the second quote, Palin's complete lack of ability to make sense in the English language (maybe she speaks Russian since she can see it from her house - lol) should tell you all you need to know about her. I mean, this is a politician who makes George W. Bush look like the great Roman orator Cicero.

More substantively, the new Washington Post-ABC News poll discussed in the article indicates "broad public doubt about her leadership skills and understanding of complex issues." Again, I say, "gee, ya think?!?" You mean, a person who can't name one newspaper she reads? A person who apparently believes that dinosaurs and humans roamed the earth at the same time? A person who knows absolutely nothing of the world around her? My only question is, how can it possibly be the case that 40% of Americans - two out of every five! - have a "favorable" opinion of this far-right-wing extremist imbecile? And what's up with Republicans, 70% of whom have a favorable opinion of Sarah Barracuda (the comparable figure is 20% for Democrats, 40% for Independents)?

The correct answer here? Zero. As in, the percent of Americans holding a favorable opinion of Sarah Palin should be zero. And let me just be clear, it's not even about her ideology - although of course I despise her for that - I'm simply talking about having a brain, knowing something about something, being able to speak English in a semi-coherent manner, not quitting her job for frivolous/self-serving reasons, minor stuff like that (and, to be non-ideological here, I despise Dick Cheney but at least he's coherent and intelligent, albeit evil incarnate). Should Americans care whether their "leaders" have brains, integrity, stuff like that? As Sarah Palin likes to say, "You betcha!"