Roll Call
reports Senate Democratic leaders are starting to use their 60-vote muscle:
The message to Democrats, Durbin said, is: “Don’t let the Republicans filibuster us into failure. We want to succeed, and to succeed we need to stick together.”
I couldn't agree more with a TalkingPointsMemo.com
Now that they have 60, Reid and Durbin need to remind Dem members that when your Leader files cloture, you support him. If you want political cover, vote against final passage. Fine. But opposing cloture means you're supporting a filibuster of your party's agenda.
I'm not one for ideological litmus tests. However, I'm fine with this
procedural one: You want to vote against health care reform or comprehensive climate & clean energy legislation? Go for it. But don't stand with the Republican roadblock.
Real Democrats don't support obstructionist filibusters of President Obama's agenda.