
Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Crazy Eileen"

This is hilarious, frightening, and also highly revealing as to the mindset of "birther" conspiracy theorists. Check out both the Delaware Online article about the woman known as "Crazy Eileen," the Daily Kos diary, "Mike Castle's Birther Harrasser Revealed As "Crazy Eileen," and the video I've embedded here, of conservative WGMD host, Jared Morris taking a call from this "birther" wacko.

Also, as you watch this, keep in mind that it's not just one crazy person; note that she is cheered loudly at the meeting with Rep. Castle, both when she challenges Barack Obama's birth certificate and also when she declares, "I want my country back!" (from what or who, I have no idea). Finally, can anyone explain how this is any less crazy than people at McCain/Palin rallies calling Barack Obama a "communist," "socialist," "terrorist," etc? It seems to me like this type of thinking all flows along a continuum of crazy, and it's overwhelmingly concentrated these days on the right wing of the political spectrum (see Crabill, Catherine and Cuccinelli, Ken).