
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Contradiction in Republican Reasoning on Kaine Criticism

As many of you know, I've had my (major) differences with Tim Kaine over various policy decisions - ranging from the Metro to Dulles no-bid deal for Bechtel (plus aerial option in Tysons Corner), to the (foolish) estate tax repeal, to the "transportation monstrosity" (including abusive driver fees and unconstitutional regional authorities), to the (morally wrong) Wise County coal-fired power plant, etc. - and I also have had my doubts whether Kaine's decision to take the DNC chair job while simultaneously serving as governor of Virginia was a good one or not. So far, however, it seems to be working out ok, in the sense that the world hasn't come to an end in Virginia, the General Assembly's out of session anyway so nothing's going to happen regardless, and the DNC work appears to be going well.

Regardless of what you think on this issue, I think we can all agree that Virginia Republican criticisms of Kaine on his work as DNC chair (Pat Mullins says, "We elected him three years ago to be governor of Virginia" and that now he "seems more concerned with serving his role as chairman of the Democratic National Committee] are complete contradictions in reasoning and logic. Let's try to follow this, from a Republican perspective.

1. We believe that Tim Kaine's doing a horrible job as governor, and have believed that pretty much from day #1 (actually, before day #1 if that's possible).

2. Despite that fact that we think Kaine's doing a horrible job as governor, we wish he were doing it 24/7, because that would...uh, such a great thing! Or something...

3. We also had no problem in the past when Jim Gilmore served both as governor and RNC chair for the last year of his governorship.

4. Anyway, our point is...awwww, screw the logic, we're going to bash Tim Kaine whether it makes sense or not, just cuz it makes us feel good to do so.

Actually, point #4 isn't part of the standard Republican talking points, at least not publicly. Let's face it, though, that's exactly what's going on here - politics, politics, and nothing but politics. The fact is, the Republicans fear Tim Kaine's ability to raise money and to campaign effectively for Democrats in Virginia this year, and they're trying to damage him in his ability to do so. As a result, they're lashing out at Kaine in any way they can possibly come up with, including this essentially bogus "issue" of Kaine spending 1 1/2 days a week on DNC work, while continuing in constant contact just in case an earthquake hits Virginia or something. Other than that, is there any point to any of this? Once again, I'd remind Republicans that Jim Gilmore was both governor and RNC chair when 9/11 took place, including a plane that slammed into the Pentagon, located in Virginia last time I checked. Not that I'd ever accuse Republicans of being hypocritical or

P.S. To prove that they're not being hypocrites, I fully expect Virginia Republicans to criticize Sarah Palin for quitting as governor of Alaska for no good reason, and also South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford for his naked hiking trip to Argentina without telling anyone. Ha.