
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Believe it or not...

...check this out, courtesy of the Deeds campaign.
Bob McDonnell, in 1998, said eliminating the tax on groceries would be unfair to people in Southwest Virginia because so many of them hunt for much of their food. He “recounted a conversation he had with…[someone in Southwest Virginia] who informed him that the sales tax on food wasn’t nearly as burdensome as the car tax because ‘we shoot a lot of our food.’"
Bob McDonnell, in February 1998, “told members of the House of Delegates…he took a trip to Southwest Virginia…to see whether rural folk were really as keen on cutting the sales tax on food as some of their legislators were making out. McDonnell recounted a conversation he had with one of the natives he encountered on the trip who informed him that the sales tax on food wasn’t nearly as burdensome as the car tax because ‘we shoot a lot of our food.’”
Source: The Roanoke Times, 02/14/98)